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Boys U9 Team

Training Details

Indoor winter training at Kesgrave Community Centre

Tuesdays, 4.15pm-5.15pm, from 28th January 2025

The 'Jets' squad is for boys typically up to school Year 4 who are relatively new to the game and with little or no experience of playing with a hard ball. Matches are played with a soft ball.

Indoor Winter training usually runs from January to March, with  outdoor Summer training following at our ground in Melton until the end of Summer term.

The children play in the Suffolk Junior Cricket League against other local clubs, as well as various tournaments.

New players are always welcome, please contact Tania Vermeulen (manager) to enquire.


Tania Vermeulen
Team Manager - Boys U9s
Eddie Green
Head Coach

Upcoming Fixtures

There are no upcoming events.

Latest News

Race Night gallops back to St Audry's this Good Friday 7th April! Hosts Deane, Eddie, Malcolm and Sue are under starter's orders to provide an entertainment-packed evening, with 8 films of actual horse racing. Simply bet on your favourite horse to win. It's a great, fun night for the family - all ages welcome!

Arrive 7pm for first race at 7.30 pm, £7 per ticket (includes sausage & chips), raffle and bar open. This is the club's main fundraiser of the year - all proceeds go towards the season ahead and our headline project of replacing the practice nets.

Contact Deane Weller by email or phone 07516 434988 for tickets.

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Race Night returns to St Audrys on Good Friday 19th April. Eight films of actual horse racing where you bet on your favourite horse to win. It's a great, fun night for the family - all ages welcome!

Arrive 7pm for first Race at 7.30 pm, £5 ticket (includes sausage & chips), raffle and bar open. All profit used to help fund our cricket club.

Contact Deane Weller by email or phone 07799 132553 for tickets, or Phil King on 07878 605657.

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Suffolk Cricket have announced the following online courses, which are free and available to members aged 13 and above. All players are likely to be called upon to score and/or umpire in league games this coming season, so this is a great opportunity to brush up on your knowledge:

Working with the ECB Association of Cricket Officials (ACO) and the Suffolk ACO association, we've setup a dedicated Suffolk ACO area. Initially this offers anyone interested in getting to know more about umpiring or scoring (eg parent, guardian, teenager, senior players, non-players, committee members etc) the chance to take a "free" introductory online course. Whether it's scoring or umpiring or indeed both, it will hopefully be of interest to people, especially whilst we continue to be in lockdown. Details of the respective weblinks to register below;

Basics of scoring -

Umpire stage 1 -

This is very much aimed at recreational cricket and could be anyone that just wants to know more about umpiring and/or scoring, wants to help out with junior or senior matches at their club or players umpiring /scoring during club matches. If of course anybody would like to progress, then more courses are available, however it's not mandatory.

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MAYCC's indoor winter training programme kicks off on Wednesday 8th January, with all of our youth players catered for in one of 7 groups.

New players are always welcome, please contact us to enquire

Groups are as follows:

Mondays 5.30-6.30pm from 13/1 at Farlingaye: Girls U9s / U11s (up to year 6)

Mondays 7pm-8pm from 27/1 at Woodbridge School: Girls Y9+ (hard ball) and Ladies

Wednesdays 5.45-6.45pm from 15/1 at Farlingaye: Boys U9s (up to year 4)

Wednesdays 7-8pm from 8/1 at Woodbridge School: Girls U13s (Y7 & 8, hard ball) and Girls U14s (Y8 & 9, soft ball)

Thursdays 6-7pm from 9/1 at Woodbridge School: Boys U13s (Y7 & 8)

Fridays 6-7pm from 10/1 at Woodbridge School: Boys U11s (Y5 & 6)

Fridays 7-8pm from 10/1 at Woodbridge School: Boys U15s+ (Y9+)

After the Easter holidays, training for all groups will continue outdoors at the club on a Thursday (times tbc).

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Poker Night at St Audry's is back at the club! Rookie players very welcome.

This year we will be starting a league to run the whole year, starting on Friday 3rd January 2020. Registration closes at 7.45pm, first hand at 8pm.

£5 buy in plus £1 towards the league.

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