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Online Scoring and Umpiring courses available

Suffolk Cricket have announced the following online courses, which are free and available to members aged 13 and above. All players are likely to be called upon to score and/or umpire in league games this coming season, so this is a great opportunity to brush up on your knowledge:

Working with the ECB Association of Cricket Officials (ACO) and the Suffolk ACO association, we've setup a dedicated Suffolk ACO area. Initially this offers anyone interested in getting to know more about umpiring or scoring (eg parent, guardian, teenager, senior players, non-players, committee members etc) the chance to take a "free" introductory online course. Whether it's scoring or umpiring or indeed both, it will hopefully be of interest to people, especially whilst we continue to be in lockdown. Details of the respective weblinks to register below;

Basics of scoring -

Umpire stage 1 -

This is very much aimed at recreational cricket and could be anyone that just wants to know more about umpiring and/or scoring, wants to help out with junior or senior matches at their club or players umpiring /scoring during club matches. If of course anybody would like to progress, then more courses are available, however it's not mandatory.

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