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Boys - U9s

Team for boys relatively new to the game (school years 1-4)

Boys - U11s

Soft ball and hard ball teams for improving boys (Y5-Y6)

Girls - U11s

Soft ball (Incrediball) and hard ball teams for new and improving girls (Y5-Y6)

Girls - U13s

Soft ball and hard ball teams for improving girls (Y7-Y8)

Boys - U13s

Hard ball team for boys in Y7-Y8

Girls - U15s

Girls hard ball team for developing players ready to be challenged further (Y9-Y10)

Boys - U15s

Two boys team for developing and performance players in Y9 and 10

U19s - Boys

'Melton Marauders' T20 team

Upcoming Fixtures

Wednesday 18 Sep 2024
  • Suffolk Over 75s
    Starts: 12:00 pm